iOps360 will import information from a variety of county finance systems including Munis.

To Import User’s Leave Balances from Munis into iOps360.

  1. Run Or Request the “EMPLOYEE ACCRUALS YTD REPORT” from Munis. (Tyler Dashboard -> Tyler Menu -> Employee Accruals Report -> YTD Balance)
  2. Save this file as a TEXT or txt file.  (Not PDF,Excel, Html etc).
  3. In iOps360, Select “Features” -> “Integrations” -> “Payroll“.
  4. Click “Munis – Import Leave Balances“.
  5. Click “Step 1 – Upload Munis Report EMPLOYEE ACCRUALS YTD REPORT“.
  6. Select the report you saved from Munis in step 1 and Drag-And-Drop or Click Upload File
  7. From the Munis report, locate the “As Of Date” or “Effective Date” from the report.  Enter this into the field “Enter The Accrual Balance Report As Of Date / Effective Date:“.
  8. Click “Update Report As Of Date“.
  9. Verify that each user is matched from the Munis report to the iOps360 Employee Id.  If a user is not found, a red box will appear next to that user’s name.  You can edit the User’s profile and update their “Employee Id” field to correct any inconsistencies.
  10. Once all users have been matched, click “Complete Data Import“.

Note:  When using a leave balance import, User’s prior leave balance transactions will be removed.  The leave request will not be effected.  The transactions are removed to prevent confusion and conflicts.  Once the import is completed, adjustments will be made for future months already created, Pending or Approve time off requests and Partial Shift Swap where the user is on leave during the swap.

Note: Holiday Time and Other hours will not be removed as they are not affected by the Munis Import.

Import Users’ Leave Balances – Munis Integration
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