We want to extend a Thank You to everyone for your support and great ideas to keep iOps360 improving. We took a little time off last month to do some internal team building and are back full steam. As the year end approaches, we will be ready for any last minute reports or analytics that you need.
Here is a few of the latest changes and upgrades to the platform from last month:
- Surveys – Added a new feature called “Surveys” to allow you to create and target surveys to team members. Options to send to all staff, or specific users, anonymous results, and a variety of questions types. – Learn More
- Employee Actions – Added the ability to notify all supervisors for the User when creating or updating an Employee Action
- Vehicle Tracking – Added vehicle tracking support for “Sierra Wireless”. We have many fleet integrations so just let us know if we are missing any.
- Other Education – Improved table layout and document retrieval.
- Integrations – FireRescue1 Academy – Added a two step integration to import education records and con-ed hours. See Features -> Integrations for details on how to setup.
- Integrations – FireWorks Integration – iOps360 can now send the daily schedule to FireWorks and other reporting/charting software. If your agency uses FireWorks or any other RMS systems, contact iOps360 to setup the Integration. Learn More
From all of us here at iOps360, we appreciate all the great ideas. Keep them coming and we will do our best!
2019 December Updates