We strive to make your life easier and simpler. One way we do this is by automatically synchronizing your scheduled events to your Google Calendar. Anytime an event is created or modified, these changes will automatically appear on your Google Calendar. Your Google Calendar’s default reminders will be used to ensure that you never forget a shift or miss a class!

Google Calendar Sync

iOps360 can quickly sync all of your iOps360 events with your Google Calendar, allowing you to be up to date with your schedule. Once the schedule has been published, iOps360 will begin synchronizing your calendar. If any edits are made to your schedule, iOps360 will automatically update the events. By enabling the Google Calendar sync, you will always have your latest work schedule on all of your devices.

Google Calendar Setup

Setting up a Google Calendar sync is a quick task. Go to your profile and click on the “Google Calendar Sync” tab. Follow the instructions to authenticate with Google and give us access to create and modify OUR events on your calendar. All of our events have a special header so we can only synchronize events that we created. Your privacy and security are always our central focus. Your Google credentials are sent directly to Google, and we do not see nor store your credentials at any time.

  1. Navigate to your profile by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click on the tab “Google Calendar Sync”.
  3. Click on the button “Authorize BGS To Sync To Your Google Calendar”. (Note: BGS is Brad Goodman Solutions, the parent company of iOps360)
  4. A Google authorization page will appear. Click on the Google account you want iOps360 to add events to.
  5. Enter your Google password and Sign In. NOTE: iOps360 does not see, receive, nor is able to view your password. This will only authorize iOps360 to have a “Token” for your account that will allow access to modify your calendar. If your Google account uses MFA (Multifactor Authentication), you will have to verify your MFA code at this time.
  6. You will see the permissions iOps360 is requesting – “Offline Access” and click “Allow”.
  7. You will return to your profile page and the Sync will begin with the last 30 days of events on your calendar.
  8. The sync process may take up to 1 minute to complete. You will need to press the “Refresh” button on your phone’s calendar to force your phone to re-sync as well.

iOS Devices

If you are using an iOS device, no problem. Simply create a Google Calendar account and import the calendar into your phone. Then set up the Google Calendar sync in your profile and you too will have instant access to your work calendar.

Sync Logistics

  • Provides a one-way sync from iOps360 Scheduled Events to the user’s Google Calendar.
  • Events that are created, updated, and deleted from Published calendars will sync to the user’s calendar.
  • If the calendar is Rolled back or Un-Published, these events will be removed from users’ calendar.
  • If the user has multiple calendars on their Gmail account, the first calendar (default or primary) will be used.
  • At this time, Classes or other Training based items are NOT synced to Google Calendar.
  • Events will be Synced as far as your calendar has been Published (not created).
  • The sync process will run every 1 minute.  Depending on the number of users and the number of events that iOps360 has to sync, this process may take a little longer.  Each scheduled event has an internal iOps360 ID code.  This code is used with the header “BGS_” to ensure that only iOps360 Events are updated or deleted from the user’s calendars.

Disabling Google Calendar Sync

  1. Navigate to your profile by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click on the tab “Google Calendar Sync“.
  3. Click on the button “Stop Syncing Events To Your Google Calendar“.
  4. NOTE:  iOps360 will not delete iOps360 events in your calendar when you stop the Google Calendar sync.
  5. NOTE:  iOps360 will stop requesting to update your calendar, but iOps360 is still authorized to Sync to your account.  It is highly recommended to revoke iOps360 access to your Google calendar account here: https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions

Re-Sync Events Manually

If you accidentally delete an event from your calendar or any events did not sync correctly, you can manually re-sync events. The re-sync will only sync events that are less than 30 days in the past and up to when the calendar has been published for your agency.

  1. Navigate to your profile by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click on the tab “Google Calendar Sync”.
  3. Click on the button “Re-Sync All Of Your Events”.
  4. The sync process may take up to 1 minute to complete. You will need to press the “Refresh” button on your phone’s calendar to force your phone to re-sync as well.

Note To System Admins

  • When users are de-activated, their Google Access Sync is automatically stopped.
  • Only events on “Published” calendars will be synced.  If you publish a calendar and then Un-Publish a calendar, those events will remain on the user’s calendar.  Once you Re-Publish these events will be synced to the latest information.
  • Mass Modify operations will also be synced.

Privacy And Access

We value your privacy and are completely transparent with how we handle your information, the information we collect, and how we dispose of the information once no longer needed. iOps360 is not authorized to see your emails, texts or other operations outside of your calendar. iOps360 does not collect, view, or otherwise manipulate any events that iOps360 did not create. Each event created by iOps360 will have an internal flag in Google Calendar to indicate events that iOps360 created. During updates, iOps360 asks Google if this event exists and then updates/deletes/creates the event. iOps360 Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Your Data Usage

iOps360 saves your schedule in an access-limited database for the use of your organization only. We do not sell or share your schedule with any 3rd parties outside what is required to provide you with the iOps360 platform. Vendors include Amazon AWS, Google Calendar, and Google Mail.