Each organization has unique needs and iOps360 has an unlimited number of ways to create your schedule.  You can mix and match different scheduling patterns across any unit.  The schedule is created for each month.  If no user is assigned to a required unit, open positions are created to ensure you have coverage.  Once the calendar is created, iOps360 will adjust for Time Off Requests, Shift Swaps/Trades, Kelly Days, and even randomize staff fairly.

App Featured

With the iOps360 App, you are able to View/Edit Schedule with the convenience of being mobile.

Staffing Patterns:

  • 24/48, 24/72, and Custom Patterns (Dupont, Modified Dupont, Charlotte Fire, etc)
  • Specific Days Of The Week
  • Long Rotating Patterns (i.e. Supervisor on call for 7 days at a time)
  • Shift Templates (Varying days, hours, and positions)
  • Staff Randomization
  • Automatic Staff Rotation from one unit to another (Monthly or Bi-Monthly, Weekly and specific to each shift)
  • Build and Publish schedule by Cost Center

Google Calendar Sync

Once the schedule has been published, the Google Calendar Sync will immediately synchronize your schedule to each user’s Google Calendar.  Users can authorize iOps360 to modify their Google Calendar in their profile allowing them to integrate their work schedule into their personal time management. Any changes to the published schedule will automatically adjust on the user’s devices so all of the staff will always have the latest information at their fingertips.

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Schedule Requirements

Creating Staffing Requirement Groups allows you to define one or more rules and assign the group to one or more units and vehicles.  You can create rules to ensure minimum staff requirements on essential positions and also enhance these rules to prevent newer staff from working together, ensure a senior staff member, FTO, etc. is working.

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Time Off Requests / Leave Requests

Leave requests are created by the user when they need a day off their normal shift. Notifications will be sent to their supervisor(s) listed in their user profile. Supervisors can approve or deny the time off request, including a note back to the user. Users will be removed from the schedule, and an open shift created for other staff to take the place of the user. Time off requests can debit their leave hours balances. Each leave category can be designated as deducting or non-deducting from their leave balances – Admin leave might not debit their hours while a vacation request would. You can create rules to prevent leave requests such as:

  • If the max number of users is already on leave
  • The number of days the leave request must be created in advance
  • Block days from leave requests such as holidays and big events in town
  • User does not have enough leave hours to cover the time off

Leave balances can be included to prevent users from overusing leave hours amount. When a leave request is approved or denied, users will be notified.

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Auto Staffing

iOps360 can Auto Staff your open positions accurately and fairly with the click of a mouse. Once the calendar has been created and open shifts needing to be filled determined, iOps360 will scan through the Available Users and find the best fit. The Auto Staff can be automatic or ran On-Demand manually.

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Schedule Analysis Tool

Schedule Analysis tool provides you with valuable information from the schedule including the Number of Shifts for each user, the number of Scheduled Hours, and any Scheduled Overtime.

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Availability and Call Backs

Users will enter their availability into the system and open positions will be automatically filled based on this information. In addition, the ability to drag and drop users from the Availability List will serve as another method to schedule users.  You can easily notify users that they have been assigned to a shift through the system.  The availability list shows you what days the user is already working, the number of shifts assigned, the utilization % of each user, and the hourly cost of each employee.

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Open Shift Pickup

Once the calendar has been made and if any Open Positions remain, staff can Request to Work the open shifts.  Notifications can be sent to alert the admin of the User’s request to quickly fill the shift.  Alternatively, you can also allow users to “Click And Get” an open shift if all the requirements are met. Open shifts can be requested from the App and Desktop versions.

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Kelly Days

Kelly days allow you to reduce your overtime cost by granting users leave days on a pattern.  Kelly days are suggested by the scheduler and you decide which ones you have adequate available staff to cover the Kelly day.

Shift Swaps / Trades

iOps360 has 3 distinct types of Shift Swaps to match your agency’s policies. Shift Swaps have multiple configurations to set including the time needed for advance notice for swaps, the number of supervisors required (One supervisor or both users’ supervisors), and can be required to be in the same workweek to reduce over time.  Staff are notified throughout the Swap Approval process and can view the status of the swap at any time.

  • Shift-For-Shift: User 1 and User 2 are swapping shifts.
  • Partial Shift Swap: User 2 will cover part of all of User 1’s shift and User 1 will “payback” User 2 at a later date. Partial shift swaps can require User 1 to use Leave Time if desired.
  • Shift Give Away: User 1 will select one or more User Roles available and broadcast their intent to swap to other personnel.  Once a user accepts the request, the swap will function as a Partial Shift Swap.

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iOps360 can automatically randomize designated Units or Users to distribute the shifts evenly.  Randomizations can be sub-divided by user credential, user role or unit assigned. Contact iOps360 with your exact needs since this feature tends to vary widely with each agency.

Shift Bids

When Open Shifts have not been picked up and administrations wants to prompt the staff for specific events, Shift Bids will come in handy.  You can select a specific open position, select which staff to notify, the amount of time for the staff to respond, and how to sort the users list (i.e. Least amount of worked hours to reduce overtime)

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