Custom Forms
This section allows you to quickly create forms using a Drag-And-Drop editor and capture any kind of information. Forms can be created for Training Evaluations, Incident Reports, Employee Exposure forms, and any other data you need to capture. Forms have a built-in Workflow to determine who can fill out a form, and levels of approval once a form has been completed.
Enabling Forms
To enable the Forms module, click on Features -> System Configuration -> General Tab -> Modules -> Forms
Creating Forms

Click on Features Menu -> Forms.
A list of all Currently Available forms will be shown. Forms that you do not have access to Edit or Fill Out will automatically be hidden to prevent staff confusion. Admin staff will always see all forms.
Next, Click “Add New Master Form Type“.
Enter the Form Name and click “Create Master Form“.
The master form type will be created and you will see the Form Editor.
Editing A Form
If you are not already on the Form Editor, click on Features -> Forms -> Edit Form button next to the form you want to edit.

Locate the “Demographics” tab. The Demographics page allows you to Name the form (“Daily Form” in image) and also design the Work Flow and Approvals. All forms should have a Level 0 – User Fill Out Workflow. Level 0 is the user(s) and or user role(s) that have access to fill out a specific form. By default, all forms will have Level 0 set to “All Users“. Click the “Edit” button next to any workflow level to modify that level. Once a form has been completed by a user, the form will automatically advance to Level 1. If no user or user roles exist for Level 1 Approval, the form will complete its workflow and is done.
You can add additional workflow levels to Approve and Deny forms. Once a user has completed a form, it will Advance to Level 1. User(s) and or user role(s) can be notified when a new form reaches their level. Select the “Edit” button to enable notifications.
Ensure that all workflow levels exist from Level 0 to your highest approval level. For example, a form should never have Level 0, Level 2, and Level 3 as forms will be held until Level 1 (non-existent) is approved.
If you do not have a Level 0, then no users will be able to fill out that form.
Form Fields

Click the “Form Fields” tab from the Form Editor. You can quickly add new fields by clicking on a Field Type from the Right-hand side or by Dragging-And-Dropping the Field Type from the menu also. Click and drag on a field in the Left-hand side to Re-Order the fields.
Field Types:
Autocomplete: Allows a user to begin typing and options that match will show for the user to choose 1 from. Autocomplete field options can be created manually, or automatically populated from a list of Units, Users, Supervisors, and more.
Checkbox Group: Allows a user to select one or more items from a list of items that you create. Each option will have a Key-Value pair. The Key is what the User will see on the form, and the Value is the content that will be saved in the database. You should typically place the same option choice in BOTH the Key and Value Option fields. Note Radio Groups only one option, while Checkbox Groups can allow multiple options.
Date: Allows a user to select from a calendar control popup that is mobile compatible.
Header: Large text that is displayed to the user. This is typically the first field on a form. Users do not input any information into a header.
Paragraph: Paragraph is the smaller text displayed to the user. This can include instructions to the user. Users do not input any information in a paragraph.
Number: Allows a user to select a numerical value. You can set the Minimum, Maximum, and the Increment (Step) value. The step is the amount the field will increase when using the up and down arrows.
Radio Group: Allows a user to select only one item from a list of items that you create. Each option will have a Key-Value pair. The Key is what the User will see on the form, and the Value is the content that will be saved in the database. You should typically place the same option choice in BOTH the Key and Value Option fields. Note Radio Groups only one option, while Checkbox Groups can allow multiple options.
Select: Allows a user to select one option from a list of choices. Select options can be created manually, or automatically populated from a list of Units, Users, Supervisors, and more.
Text Field: Allows users to input any text/string information in a single line. Typically used to input shorter information such as a name or address.
Text Area: Allows users to input any text/string information in a multiple line block. Typically used for longer inputs such details or descriptions.
Star Rating: Allows a user to select from 0 to 5 stars. Typically used on evaluation or survey forms.

Next, hover your mouse over any form field on the left-hand side. Notice the three icons on the Form Field row (Red circle in the image above). These icons allow you to delete a field, edit details of a field, and duplicate a field.
Click the Pencil icon on any form field from the left-hand side to open the Details Menu. Depending on the field type, you will see a variety of options including the Required Field, the Label (ie Form Field Name displayed to users), Help Text (popup help information to users to ensure they understand the field), Placeholder (grayed out text in the background of the field to help users fill out the field). Field such as Select, Autopopulate, Checkbox Groups, and Radio Groups will have a Key-Value pair. The Key-Value pair allows the “Key” (first block – “Option-1”) to be shown to the user, and the second block “Value” (second block “option-1”) to be recorded in the database when that option is selected. Almost always you should duplicate the Key into the Value block also. These fields also have an “Auto Populate With” field to quickly pre-program these fields with a variety of options including Users, Units, and Supervisors. Using the “Auto Populate With” feature will hide any options created in the Key-Value pair.
You can also add multiple Page Tabs. If you have a more complex form, you can put some fields on the first Page and additional fields on the second page. Click “+ Page” to add additional pages.
Once all fields have been saved, click the green “Save Form Fields“.
Note: You can use the “Preview” button to have a View Only form to see how the final product looks while editing your form.
Filling Out A Form
Click on Features -> Forms. You will see a list of all forms that are available to you. Any forms not available for you and/or your user role will be automatically hidden. You can click “Fill Out Form” to create a new form and “View Blank Form” to preview what the form will look like.
Click “Fill Out Form” next to any form. Enter the information in each form field. Any fields with a red * next to the name are required and must be filled out to complete the form. These fields are not required to Save a form In-Progress.
Once all fields have been completed, be sure to see if any additional pages exist for the form. The pages are listed across the top of the form as “Page 1”, “Page 2” etc.
Next, click “Save” or “Save And Complete“. Once you complete a form, you can not make additional edits to the form.
Forms may have Workflow Approvals to send your form up the chain of command. If your form is Denied/Demoted, your form will be re-opened along with the rationale for the form denial. Correct any issues and click “Save And Complete“.
Form Workflow And Approvals
Each form may have a workflow to allow Completed forms to be advanced to the next level. The workflow can be assigned a specific user(s) and user role(s). Optionally, each workflow step may have notifications turned on to email you once a form is ready for your approval.
Click on Features -> Forms ->Forms Needing My Approval tab. Any forms that are your level for approval will be shown.
Each form will have an Approve and/or Deny button. Any forms that you deny will prompt you for a reason for denial. This reason will be shown to the user and allow the user to re-edit their form and make corrections. When a form is Advanced and then Denied, the user will be notified, the form re-opened for editing, and demote back to Level 0 regardless of the current Level.