Kits allow you to group Equipment and/or Inventory items together. Kits can be easily moved between units/vehicles, optionally record seal numbers and be scanned from the iOps360 app as part of the vehicle check offs. When a truck goes out of service, staff can fill out a vehicle check and pick the correct Kit which will assign the kit to the new unit and prompt for a seal number, if required. Kits can be scanned from the iOps360 app to ensure the kit is actually where it should be.
Kit Setup
Kit Types contain the minimum requirements for each kit. A “Monitor Kit” might required 1 monitor and 2 defib pads. Kit Types can be setup in System Config -> Inventory / WO -> Kit Types to define the requirements. Once your kits have been setup, you can quickly create one or many kits and stock the kits from your inventory or outside stock.
Kit Instances
Once your Kit Types have been created, you can create the specific kits such as “Bin 1” or “Monitor Kit EMS1”. The instance will contain the specific equipment and inventory items in the kit. Each kit can be required to have a seal number, vehicle assignment, name and barcode.
Once you have created the first kit, you can duplicate the kit one or more times using the “Other Tools” menu.
Kit Barcodes
Once your kits are created, you can print a bar-code for each kit. Bar-codes allow staff to scan the kit from the iOps360 app to verify the kit is in the correct location and is present. If kits move between units, this will allow you to quickly track the kit as it moves.
Vehicle Check Setup
Once your kits have been created, we will configure your Vehicle Check Offs to prompt users for the kit and seal numbers.
Create or edit an existing vehicle check question and select the Question Type as “Kit List”. Select the “Kit Type” such as Monitor Kit and decide if users are Required to scan this kit from the app.
Require Scan From App
Users can be required to scan kits from the iOps360 app which will ensure staff are in possession of the kit.
NOTE If any vehicle check question has the flag “Require Scan From App”, users will have to create the vehicle check off from the iOps360 app and can not create it from the website.
Create or edit an existing vehicle check question and select “Require Scan From App” to yes.
Any questions that are required to be scanned from the app will be shown with a green camera icon in the vehicle check edit page.
Vehicle Check Offs with the App
Users can now begin their vehicle check off in the iOps360 app. Select your unit, vehicle check off and begin scanning Equipment and Kits. If any kit requires a seal number, users will be prompted for this information.