CHARLOTTE, North Carolina – iOps360 announced that they have received Trademark approval for iOps360. The approval now allows iOps360 to further solidify the scheduling and operations space to prevent un-authorized use of the iOps360 name.

Brad Goodman, chief executive officer at Brad Goodman Solutions, state, “Our business is ensure the scheduling and operational tools for EMS, Fire and Police agencies. By ensure name recognition, users will be sure that they are receiving the iOps360 brand and the security it provides. New investments in data warehousing and machine learning will provide cutting edge software to those who need results immediately. This vision will allow iOps360 to continue to grow exponentially and further our shared commitment to customer success.”

About iOps360

iOps360 is custom schedule and operations platform geared towards Ems, Fire and Police agencies. By providing a wide variety of tools that would otherwise be un-affordable by many agencies, we are able to serve the communities with low cost, high value tools. Integrating these tools into a user-friendly portal allows quick management of the entire operation.

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Customer Support: | (855) 811-0360

iOps360 Trademark Approval
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