Each month we make lots of changes based on your suggestions and ideas. Here are some of the larger changes we have made since last month:
New Features and Changes:
Schedule – Can now click on a Position Assignment to quickly change what equipment is linked to the position in the Day and Week Views. This is similar to clicking Actions -> Update Position Assignments. You can now click on a Cost Center name to quickly filter to just those positions.
Schedule – You can now exclude Positions from counting in the Day View Staffing Levels. See System Config – Positions to edit the positions that should be excluded from the ISO staffing level counts.
Schedule – On the Day View, you can now sort time off requests by user name, hours time, start time, etc.
Schedule – Updated the popup menu positioning so that it would fit better on the device.
Vehicle Tracking – We have added a new connector for Verizon Connect Reveal to retrieve vehicle coordinates. See https://iops360.com/verizon-fleet-connect-integration/ for setup instructions.
Vehicle Tracking – We also added a connector for Samsara to retrieve vehicle coordinates. See https://iops360.com/samsara-and-iops360-integration/ for setup instructions.
Ride Along Module – https://iops360.com/ride-along-scheduling/
Vehicle Checks – Added a new field type for Generator Hours. This will allow updates to the equipment attribute Generator Hours and augment this value from the morning vehicle checks. To setup, edit your vehicle equipment type and add the Generator Hours attribute. Then add this question type (Decimal 1 – Generator Hours) to any of your vehicle checks.
Vehicle Checks – Added a question type of images to allow for uploading of EKG strips, vehicle image/damage or any other images. Edit your vehicle check and add a question type of Image/Picture to get started
Work Orders – Added an Hours Spent field that will allow you to track the amount of time spent on each work order and quantify in the reports sections.
Classes – Added an optional SubTopic-Details field to each class instance. If you have a class type of Monthly Education, this will be a great place to document the topics such as Trauma, Burns, etc so students will know the specific details.
Upcoming Conferences
March 6th – 7th at the SCEMSA Symposium in Myrtle Beach, SC
March 27th – 28th at the GEMSA Directors Conference in Lake Lanier, GA