We are excited for the New Year and have received a lot of great new ideas that we will be getting started on this month. If you have an idea, we want to know.
Here is a few of the latest changes and upgrades to the platform from last month:
- Work Orders – Categories can now be marked as “Public” allowing anyone in the agency to View, Edit, and Close a Work Order. ie a Work Order Category of Building Maintenance with an Outside vendor completing the work. Any user should be able to complete the Work Order once it is completed and not necessarily the direct people involved.
- Vehicle Check Offs – Added warning when completing if the mileage has not increased
- Training – Renamed the Training Report to ‘Education Training Details’ and added a new report called ‘Education Training Summary’ with the Quotas and Overflow categories
- Scheduling – Leave Requests – We are now saving the actual unit the user was working at the time of a leave request. When an approved leave is changed to Pending, Denied or Cancelled, iOps360 will automatically re-schedule the person on the unit they were originally working. Previously, this required that you select which unit to Re-Schedule the person on and will now be defaulted to the prior position. If you do NOT want to re-schedule the person, you can click the top option in the list to remove the Unit/Vehicle assignment.
- Scheduling – Edit Today – Available Staff – Added the number of Hours in this Pay Period to the Available list and the pop dialog to merge/decide the times
- User Profiles – Added an “Account Alias” section to show the aliases and devices for this user such as Linked Profiles, Different Names for the Employee, Active 911 devices, Continuum Ids, and iOps360 Apps installed. If you need the users’s legal name which might be different than their iOps360 name, this area will show all the names and associated accounts.
- Time Off Exclusions – Streamlined the Admin page and added Recommendations that follow the Holiday suggestions. You can now easily add a Time Off Exclusion for any holiday by using the suggestions.
- Scheduling – Availability – You can now configure the Quick Picks Times + Hours for the user availability and also Enable/Disable the user’s ability to enter custom times. By Disabling custom times, users must pick from the Quick Pick times (ie First Half, Second Half, or Entire Shift) and make scheduling more consistent and faster for you.
- Time Stamp In/Out – If user has Equipment Checked Out to them (ie Pager, Radio, etc), the Time Stamp page will allow the user to return the items as they are recording the time stamp. Currently only on the Website version and will be included in the next app release
From all of us here at iOps360, we appreciate all that you do to keep our communities safe in the New Year
January 2020 Updates