Users can be set to accrue leave hours by Week, Pay Period, Month, Yearly, and Yearly on their hire date anniversary. Each leave balance (Holiday, Sick and Vacation) can be awarded differently. You also have two custom leave hours banks such as Comp Time and Petty Time/Management Time etc. that can be renamed as needed. When user select the Leave Category, this will be designated as a Deducting or Non-Deducting category. Deducting categories will require the user have the quantity of hours available in their leave bank in order to proceed. Non Deducting leave categories will not prompt the user for the hours they will debit.
The user’s Supervisor(s) will approve or deny the time off request. If the supervisor selects “Pending Coverage” then iOps will create an open shift. Once that open shift if filled by a user, the Time Off Request will be automatically approved (i.e. You can have the time off request as soon as you or admin find coverage).
Supervisors can put a user negative on their leave balances but an employee can not submit a time off request to put themselves negative.
There are two ways to calculate the leave hours – Rigid vs Forecasting.
The Rigid calculations state that the user must have the hours available in their balance today in order to submit a time off request (i.e. A user wants to request off 24 hours next year – the hours will be considered used now event though the time off is set for next year. If a user wants another time off, they would need to have additional hours in their balance since the 24 hours have been allocated for the time off next year).
The second method of calculations is Forecasting which states that given the user’s current accrual methods, how many hours will they have at the time off request date. This will inflate their current available balance to what they would have when the time off occurs. Using this method, we will still prevent the user from going negative on their leave hours but allows for more flexibility.