Thanks again for all the great ideas we receive each month. Here are some of the big changes we have made since last month to customize iOps360 to your needs:
- Education Con Ed Course – Ability to add images to each question such as EKG strips or other images
- Equipment Check Out – Equipment Admins can check out equipment to another user and also added Truck/Unit Id selector to update the equipment location. https://iops360.comadmin-equipment-checkout/
- Equipment Search – You can now designate a custom attribute (such as Asset # or Serial Number etc) to be shown in the Equipment Search results window. You can enable this through System Config – Equipment – Attributes
- Equipment Service Records – Added cost per mile to the Equipment Service Records page to quickly calculate the expense per mile for each vehicle.
- Education Document Tree – Ability to add custom folders such as a Resume or Clinical Advancement etc. Create the folders in System Config – Education – Education Documents and users will be able to add documents as needed https://iops360.comcustom-folders-for-education-documents/
- Forms – Improved the form layout and corrected issue where some forms would crop the email.
- iOps360 App – Users can end an app session from their user profile. If user looses a device or in-advertenatly registered a company device to their personal profile, they can end that app session to protect their account by clicking on iOps360 devices in their user profile.
- Inventory Kiosk – Will now save any un-finished transactions when a session times out. These can now be restored and finished if a user forgets to complete the transaction. Any un-completed transactions will be shown in the top right of the kiosk page.
- Inventory Transfer – Added the ability to remove item expiration dates during the inventory transfer. This is useful if you want to track expiration dates in the main inventory locations but remove these at the less important locations for ease of staff use. After the transfer is complete, the items moved will be non-expiring so staff will not have to select which specific expiration date if several.
- Leave Hours – You can now add rules for maximum leave hours and transferring between balances. Ie No user can have more than 300 Sick hours at the end of each year. Learn more at https://iops360.comleave-hour-maximums-cropping-and-transfer/
- Status Board – Added setting to show Supervisors Passdown on the right. Corrected delay with loading weather. Supervisor’s passdown and daily notes will swap to the next day’s information, one hour before shift change.
- Work Orders – You can now convert a work order into an equipment service record. https://iops360.comwork-order-to-service-record/
Thanks again for all your great ideas and keep them coming. Be safe out there
November 2020 Updates