Credential Tracking, Compliance and Management of Education – Currency Tracking
We have a robust credential management portal that allows you to keep track of all employee’s requirements quickly. When a user logs in, their home page shows a red-yellow-green stoplight next to their name and all of their requirements. You can quickly see what you are missing, and either sign up for a class or update your profile to correct any missing requirements.

Currency Tracking
You can track any Certification, License, Skill, and HR requirements quickly for each user & user role. These include ACLS, Pals, Fire Fighter 1 & 2, PPDs, Hearing Tests, and any custom items that you create.

App Featured
The Education feature allows users to keep track of their progress towards meeting their requirements. This can include keeping track of courses taken, upcoming classes, and any other relevant information. The feature may also provide reminders for upcoming expirations, such as registration dates. The goal of the feature is to help users stay organized and on track with their education. Users can upload their documents/licenses straight from the app.
Currency – Classes
Users sign up for currency classes online and can see who is teaching the class, class hours and location, any pre-test requirements, and download handouts directly from the portal. Once a class is completed, the Instructor of the class will complete the roster and record who passed. This is an online, time-stamped roster and gives the student credit for completing the class. Once the cards for the class arrive from the instructor, the cards can be uploaded directly to the class which keeps a copy forever for your convenience and also stores a copy in the user’s online education document warehouse.
Users can also un-enroll from a class which records when they removed themselves to help prevent no-call, no-shows. This also allows the instructor to have the correct number of resources available to teach the class.
Signing up for a class is quick and easy. Just click on the “Next Available Class” link next to the class requirement to see the class details and sign up.
Licenses & Advanced Certifications
Currency Licenses are requirements that users bring with them to work. Examples of Licenses include Drivers License, EMT, RN, RT, National Registry, etc. Advanced Certifications include CC-EMT-P, CCRN, CFRN, etc. Users upload a copy of their License and Advanced Certification to be reviewed and approved by the training coordinator. These documents are also saved in the users’ online education document warehouse so you have quick access to the entire education file.
Skills & Other Requirements
The skills section allows tracking of any skill type includes Intubations, Femoral Line access, IO insertions, etc. You can create skill attributes to collect more information. For the Intubation skill type, you might have attributes of “Live Person”, “Operating Room”, “Dynamic Simulator”, or “Static Simulator”. Or you might have attributes of “Adult”, “Child”, and “Neonatal”. When a user submits a skill, the training coordinator will review and approve the skill to ensure compliance and follow up on any issues or pull charts to verify.
Any other requirements such as “TB Fit Test” or “Annual Skills Reviews” can also be created in the Skills section to ensure compliance with all your service requirements.
Education User Roles
Education User Roles hold the requirements needed. Examples might include “EMT”, “EMT-P” and “Crew Chief”. You can create the requirements for each user role and assign users to the role. You can assign multiple user roles to personnel to ensure you have compliance for your staff.