Continuing Education hours are issued and tracked throughout the iOps360 Education & Learning features. You can create as many hours types as needed for your agency. Some agencies choose to track hours very specifically and match the National Registry topics. Other agencies take a more generalized approach such as National, Local, and Individual. Fire Departments typically track hours such as Company, Driver, Facilities, Haz-Mat, and Officer.
EMS Recommendations
iOps360 will create the general categories of “National“, “Local“, and “Individual” by default. You can choose to further customize these into each of the topics that the National Registry uses to make the classes and con-ed match perfectly for re-certification time. However, if the National Registry topics change, you will want to update each class and con-ed to ensure the topics match with the latest recommendations.
Fire Department Recommendations
Fire Departments typically track hours such as “Company“, “Driver“, “Facilities“, “Haz-Mat“, and “Officer“. You can add as many additional categories as needed, and define which hours type is the Overflow category if the user has extra hours in another hours type.
Configuring Con-Ed Hours Types
To setup your Con-Ed Hours Types
- Click on “Features” -> “System Configuration”
- Click on the “Education” tab
- Click on “Con-Ed Hours Types”
Use the menus to add or edit Con-Ed Hours Types and customize to your agency needs
You can create class types such as “BLS – Initial” and “BLS – Re-certification“. Each class type will have the Hours Types you have set up and will allow you to enter the quantities of hours users will be awarded upon completion.
Con-Ed Courses
Con-Ed Courses (aka Monthly Education) can award Con-Ed Hours. Once the education has been completed and the user passes the quiz, a certificate and Con-Ed hours will be issued. Certificates are automatically added to the Employee Document Warehouse. When creating a Con-Ed course, you will be prompted for the amount of Con-Ed hours to issue for each Con-Ed Hours Type.
Training is typically used by Fire Departments and functions differently than the other Con-Ed areas of iOps360. Fire departments allow the user’s to determine the number of hours of Con-Ed where other aspects of iOps360 have the number of hours pre-determined. As users complete the Training topic and sub-topics, they are allowed to enter the number of hours spent on each topic. Topics are pre-set with which Con-Ed hours will be issued, but users determine the amount.
Reporting / Re-Certification
When users are ready to re-certify their credentials, they can run a variety of reports. The recommended report to aggregate all con-ed hours is the “Education – ConEd Hours Report“. A variety of other reports will total up all hours, ensure proper verification, and allow you to see any missing items.