Policies & Procedures & Protocols
Distributing the latest policy and procedures to all staff used to mean emails. However, now you can store your Policies & Procedures and Protocols into an easy to use, mobile-friendly resources section. You create the categories and upload the documents into the tree. The latest versions are shown at the top so users can quickly pick the correct document. The resources section automatically records when each user viewed the files so you can ensure compliance with the latest updates.
Committees and Protected Documents
Each resource section can be Public to your staff or Closed. When a resource is Closed, only the Administrative staff and users that are allowed can view and edit the resources. This is great for Committees and Leadership staff.
Additional Resource Ideas
You can also upload course fliers and handouts to the resources section. This provides quick access to documents that users might need. PAIP, Downed Aircraft, and Over-Due aircraft information would be best placed in the Resources Section.
Education Document Warehouse
The Education Document Warehouse is the users place for Education Files and Certificates. The document tree automatically contains the users’s uploaded Licensees & Advanced Certifications, Classes cards, and Education Certificates Issued. The documents are typically uploaded by the user or class instructor and these instantly show in the user’s tree. Documents are sorted by year so you can access historical items at any time.
Auditing employee education files is now a quick and easy process. When an audit occurs, you can quickly access the entire staff’s employee education files from any location. All cards and certificates are present making auditing a simple process. Furthermore, you can require that users upload a document with their license even before submitting it for Education Team verification.
Re-Certification and Evaluations
Re-Certification of your licenses and advanced certifications is also simplified since all education materials are aggregated here. You can run the Employee Report – “My Education” to quickly show all education hours and tasks performed. During yearly evaluations, this information can be used to recognize the high performers and indicate areas of improvement compared to peers.