Online Continuing Education
The Continuing Education (Con-Ed) portal allows you to create online education using power points, PDFs, images, YouTube, SCORM files and other website resources. Users view each resource and take quizzes to receive Con-Ed hours. Education can be designated to all users or specific user roles. This allows you to have education for BLS providers and separate education for ALS providers. Education can have an Opening Date and End Date or can be Supplemental Education that remains available forever. Con-Ed hours can also be awarded automatically if you are a teaching institution. Certificates will be issued to the users once all requirements are completed.
Available Content
iOps360 has partnered with 911 e-Learning Solutions for educational content. Content can be purchased for the courses you need to ensure staff have the CEUs for renewal. Learn more at here.
Continuing Education Files And Links
You can attach virtually any file type to the Education. Files are uploaded to the cloud storage and users can review these files during downtime. If you have a Live training session and you record this to YouTube, then users can review the video and still receive the information needed. You can also include links to other websites. If you are providing education for a new piece of equipment, you could create a link to the manufacturer’s website for additional resources.
Continuing Education Contributors
You can designate which employees contributed to the educational materials. This will provide users with a resource person for the educational materials and also record which of your staff have been teaching and providing education. During evaluation time, the teaching reports may help you decide which employees are high performers.
Continuing Education Quizzes
You can create a quiz to ensure users have reviewed the information. Quiz questions are multiple-choice and automatically randomized to help ensure compliance. Quizzes can have time limits and all answers are saved in real-time in case they get a call in the middle of a quiz.
Continuing Education Certificates
Certificates are created once all files have been viewed and all quizzes have been passed. The certificate will automatically add to the user’s education document warehouse and can be printed or emailed. If your service is a teaching institution, the certificate will have your teaching institution’s details and the number of Continuing Education hours issued.
Continuing Education Sharing
Con-Ed courses can be shared among the iOps360 community. Sharing allows you to utilize other agencies education and also allow your education to be distributed to other agencies. Each education topic can be individually marked for sharing, allowing you to fine tune what education can be shared.
Learn more at Education Sharing