The Non-Emergency Transport Module allows you to schedule transports, patients, point of contacts, and more into an easy to use scheduler. Transports can be quickly assigned to units and sent notifications when transports are about to begin.
Transport Demographics
Each transport can have a variety of fields such as sending and receiving facilities, bed/floor/apt/unit numbers, point of contacts, status code, level of care, and units assigned. The sending and receiving facilities can be any known location including hospitals, nursing homes, airports, etc. as well as addresses when returning patients home. Level of care can be customized to your agency needs, along with activities and forms needed for each transport.
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Users have quick access of important detailed information, upcoming transports, information on patient, and contact information. Users are able to record their on-scene times to the cloud for live feedback for Supervisors to access.

Transport Time Line
The timeline allows you to see a visual representation of the day and modify transports through out the day as events change. The timeline view will show the transport level of care, patient name, transport status and locations. Hovering over any transport will show additional details.

Click on any transport to select it. Once selected, you can drag and drop the transport to another time slot and/or another unit. Right-clicking on any transport will open the options menu to display a variety of options.

Crew Assignments
When transports are created, a unit can be assigned or left blank until the day is planned out. Once the transport is dragged from the “Not Assigned” category to a specific unit, the system will automatically assign the staff members working during that time frame. This will allow the crew members to see the transport details and prepare for the transport. If no crews have been assigned, the system will automatically assign staff when the transport reminders are sent out.
Transport Reminders
Transports can have reminders sent via email, app, and sms to ensure crews are aware of the upcoming transport. Each transport can customize the heads up reminder time from 15 minutes to 2 hours. This will ensure crews have enough time to prepare and arrive at the sending facility in time.
Transport Editing
From the search page or the timeline, you can edit the transport. Using the search page, simply click on the transport. From the timeline, right click on the event and select “Edit Transport”.

Transports are broken down into several tabs include Demographics, Patients, Contacts, Units/Users, Notes and History.
The Demographics page contains basic information such as sending and receiving facilities, level of care, bed assignments, and transport status.
The Patients tab contains a patient database specific to your organization including name and date of birth.
The Contacts tab contains names and phone numbers to people organizing the transport such as nurses and social workers.
The Units/Users tabs allows for quickly assigning units to the transport. You can assign users to transports but iOps360 will assign users from the schedule if they are not filled in.
The Notes tab allows for any additional information to be added with an option to include this information in the crew reminders.
Crew Reminders
iOps360 can send a reminder to users assigned prior to the sending bedside time. The reminder will include the locations, bed assignments, times, and designated notes from the notes tab. Patient information is not included in the reminders but a link to the transport is. Crew members needing the patient information can quickly click on the link to obtain patient demographics.
HIPAA Protections
Patient information is limited to name and date of birth. Depending on your facilities protocols on Hipaa, you can choose to not utilize the patient tab. All patient information is encrypted and only available to users that are directly assigned to the transport and/or users with Supervisor access and above. Staff members are able to see all of the transports but no patient information.