Education Document Folders [Hire Documents, Advancement]
The education document tree contains employee’s education records and can also have custom folders to hold resumes and other documents.
Employee Action Types [Late For Work, No Call-No Show, Kudos]
Allows you to track Employee’s actions including Late for work, No Call No Shows, Cancelled By Admin, Kudos, and more. Useful during evaluations to track trends and assist with performance tracking.
Leave Accrual By Years of Service [Automatic Step Up]
Enabling the Automatic Leave Accrual based on years of service will automatically bump up leave accruals for users. If this system is turned off, you can adjust each user individually in their user profile.
Enable Automatic Leave Accrual By Years Of Service | Enabling the Automatic Leave by Years of Service will automatically bump each User’s accrual as their years of service from their profile ‘HIRE DATE’. Disabling this feature will keep the User’s current Accruals in their profile for manual editing of each User’s accrual. |
Years of Service | Each user has a profile flag for ‘HIRE DATE’. Based on this date, the User’s accruals will automatically update as the years of service increase. Create steps for Each Accrual Rate. i.e. 0-5 Years of Service is 3.69 Hours Per Month/PayPeriod |
Hours per Pay Period | Amount of Hours User will receive. To see how your System Configuration has Leave Accruing by, go to System Config – Scheduling – Scheduler Functions – Leave/Time Off – How Do Leave Hours Accrue |
User Count | Number of Active Users that are currently in this accrual step |
New User Subscriptions [Automatic Reminders – Open Shifts, Availability]
iOps360 has several automatic reminders such as Submit Your Availability, Open Shifts This Week, Calendar Has Been Published, and more. This will set the Default Subscriptions for NEW Users.
Availability (Even If Submitted) | Receive a message to submit your availability even if you have already added it |
Availability (If Not Submitted) | Receive a message to submit your availability if you have not already added it |
Class Created | Receive a message when a new class is created |
iOps360 Monthly Updates | Receive a copy of the monthly updates and changes to the iOps360 platform |
Open Shifts – Next 24 Hours | Receive a message with all upcoming open positions in the next 24 hours |
Open Shifts – This Week | Receive a message with all upcoming open positions in the next week, delivered Mondays |
Schedule Creation Reminder | Receive a message to remind you to Create the Schedule |
Schedule Has Been Published | Receive a message when the monthly schedule has been published by your agency |
Shift Reminder | Receive a message before you are scheduled for a shift. You can set the number of hours in advance |
Assign which supervisors are assigned to which users. This should represent your agency’s structure.
Skill Level Types [Senior, New Hire, HazMat, Captain]
Skill Levels allow you to mark users with a Skill (i.e. Lt, Captain, Orientation, Preceptor) similar to the User Color Code feature. This is a Text label. Colors are located under ‘General’ -> ‘Colors’.
User Colors [Part Time, ABCD Shifts, Custom Categories]
Change the Colors used with the scheduler include Custom Colors used on Users. Changeing User Colors is a great way create a visual reprsentation of the Users schedule. The colors give an option to quickly identify who is responsible for what in a nice and accessible visual.
User Alias Types/Custom Fields [Fuel Pin, Device Codes, Extra Fields]
You can have custom fields for each user’s profile. This could include a Fuel Card Pin number, Active911 device codes, or any other custom field you like. This allows you to customize users to your agency’s needs.
User Alias Name | The Name of the User Alias / Custom Field |
User Roles & Requirements [EMT-P, Admin]
Create and Edit the User Roles that are assigned and all Requirements for the User Roles (Classes, Licenses, Skill and Training). The User Role Requirements will clarify the responsibilities and the positions of each user. By adding Skill and Licensing requirements to the User Role, provides clarity on what is expected of the user.
User Security [Password Strength/Change Frequency]
Set the minimum password requirements and identify how often users must change passwords to ensure their accounts are safe.
Password Change Frequency | Number of days that user will be required to change their password |
Require An Upper Case | Users must have at least one Upper Case letter in their password |
Require A Lower Case | Users must have at least one Lower Case letter in their password |
Require A Number | Users must have at least one Number in their password |
Require A Special Character | Users must have at least one Special Character [!@#$%^&*()-_+=:;,./\<>?|] in their password |
Prevent Simple Dictionary Words | Users must have at least one Special Character in their password |
User Permissions/Miscellaneous [Change Profile Pictures/Send Mass Messages]
Prevent users from doing various items inside iOps360 to ensure that the system runs smoothly.
Allow Non-Admin Users To Send Pages To Multiple Recipients | Prevents Non-Admin users from being able to send Emails and Pages to more than one user at a time. Default is ‘No’ |
Allow Supervisor’s Daily Passdown To Be Shown On Home Page To All Users | Allows Non-Admin users to view the Supervisors’ Daily Passdown on the home page. Default is ‘No’ |
Only Sysop Level Access Can Edit Users | Prevents Supervisors/Admin users from editing User Profiles. Default is ‘No’ |
Only Sysop Level Access Can See System Log | Prevents Supervisors/Admin users from viewing the System Log. Default is ‘No’ |
Prevent Non-Admin Users From Changing Their Profile Picture | Prevents Non-Admin users from changing their profile picture. Admin can still update/change the picture as needed. Default is ‘No’ |
Prevent Non-Admin Users From Viewing In-Active Staff | Prevents Non-Admin users from search and viewing user profiles that are marked Inactive |
Prevent Non-Admin Users From Viewing Other User’s Shifts/Partner | When enabled, non-admin users will only be able to see the events in the PAST and their future schedule. Will also hide the partner on the home page. Default is ‘No’ |
Prevent Non-Admin Users From Viewing User’s Phone/Email Address | When enabled, non-admin users will only be able to see the events in the PAST and their future schedule. Will also hide the partner on the home page. Default is ‘No’ |
Custom User Groups [Email, Time Cards, Scheduling]
Create groups of users to quickly send pages, run time cards, and more. I.e. Admin Group, or HazMat group.
Allow Non-Admin Users To Send Pages To Multiple Recipients | Toggle On or Off |
Active 911 Groups | You can send messages directly to your existing Active 911 Groups through the Email/Paging Menu |
Automatic Recurring Emails | Create automatic emails to are sent on a pattern. i.e., Part-Time Availability is due on the 15th of the Month |
Common Message Bodies | Create email templates for commonly used messages. IE, Timecards are due today. Ensure you have signed your time card online |
Custom User Groups | Create custom user groups to quickly send Notifications or Print Timecards, and more |
Job Titles [Rarely Used On Some Time Cards]
Create and edit the Job Titles used on some time cards (this is rarely used).
Print Employee Barcodes [For Inventory Kiosk]
Create barcodes for staff for use with the Inventory Kiosk or Barcode In/Out features. This will making Inventory Checks a simpler and quicker process.