iOps360 makes it easy to transition from another platform with a few easy steps. We will use two reports to import your users and your current schedule.

Export Employees

  1. Using a manager account, login to
  2. Click on the “House” icon and click “Employees“.
  3. Click the 3 dots and select “Export Employees“.
  4. Save the Excel file to your computer.

Export Schedules

  1. Using a manager account, login to
  2. Click on the “House” icon and click “Reports“.
  3. Click on “Schedule Export“.
  4. Change the “Start Date” to as far back as you want to import into iOps360 and the “End Date” to as far as you have created your schedule.
  5. Save the Excel file to your computer.

Importing Data

Send both files to “” and we will quickly verify and import the data.

Transition from When I Work
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