Truck Check / Inventory / Work Order Link
Using the Truck Check Off forms, you can track Inventory Items on each vehicle allowing users to withdraw items from the inventory directly from the Truck Check off. By integrating all three systems, you will reduce staff workload and ensure a more accurate inventory. Also, any items expiring will be indicated in the Inventory items expiring, allow you to pull those items with out have to search.
Overview and Workflows
Users will fill out a Truck Check off each day asking them questions such as mileage, engine hours etc. Special Inventory Fields can be used on the form to record the quantity and expiration dates of items (ie Epi 1:1). Users can adjust the quantity and expiration dates directly from the truck check off. When users save the Truck Check form, iOps360 will check to see if any items are below the normal par level. If so, iOps360 will prompt the user to create a Work Order.
Once the Work Order is created, designated users (ie Logistics personnel for today or a Supervisor) can be notified of the new Work Order. The Logistics personnel will fulfill the order by selecting which items can be fulfilled, from what stock location, and the expiration date of the items. The vehicle requesting the Inventory Items will be notified their order is ready for pickup.
Once the crew picks the items up, the Inventory items are added the vehicle inventory.
Enable Modules
First, we will need to ensure that both the “Inventory” module and the “Truck Check” modules are turned on for your system.
- Click “Features” and then “System Configuration“
- Click on the “General” tab if it is not already selected
- Click “Modules Menu“
- Ensure the sliders are turned on (Blue) for both the “Inventory Module” and the “Truck Check Module“.
Inventory Setup
First, we will create the items in the iOps360 Inventory that will be on each unit. Let’s use Epi 1:1 for this example. If you have already created the items in the Inventory, skip ahead to the next section.
- Click “Features” and then “Inventory“
- Click “Create New Inventory Type“
- Enter the “Inventory Item Name” as “Epi 1:1”
- Enter the “Description” as “Epinephrine 1:1,000”
- Category and Sub-Category will be different for each agency but we will pick “Monitor/Cardiac” and leave the Sub-Category blank.
- Click “Create Inventory Item Type” to complete.
- Next, click “Adjust Current Quantities” and add several to each location for testing during the next steps.
Truck Check Form Setup
Truck Check offs have a variety of question types. One of those question types is a special field named “Inventory Item“. This is the special field that will allow users to record their Inventory Items on each unit. You will need one of these Questions for each item on the Truck. (P.S. We can import your Truck Check off for you so just let us know and we are glad to). In our Epi 1:1 example, we will create a Truck Check Off question named “Epi 1:1” that is an “Inventory Item” question.
- Click on “Features” and then “Truck Check Offs“.
- If no Truck Check Off master form has been created click “Add New Master Form Type“, otherwise, select the Truck Check Off Form we want to add the items to and click “Edit Form“.
- Click on the “Categories & Questions” tab.
- Click the Pencil icon next to any question to edit the question.
- Change the “Question Type” to “Inventory Item“.
- Select the “Inventory Item” as “Epi 1:1” or any inventory item you like.
- Select the “Recommended Quantity” as the number that should be present on any vehicle.
- Finally, click “Update Question“.
Note: The truck check off form can apply to multiple vehicles. If the quantities are very different from one vehicle to another, a custom truck check off form can be made for each vehicle rather than a one size fits all Truck Check off.
Additional Truck Check Items
Repeat the steps for each Inventory Item based Question on the Truck Check Off. Some agencies may prefer to have a shorter “Daily” Truck Check and a longer more detailed “Weekly” check. If using the “Weekly” Truck Check for Inventory Items, users can manually create a work order by selecting “Inventory” type and selecting the items needed from the Inventory also.
Configuring Workflow Steps / Logistics Units / Notifications
We can now complete the final configuration of how your agency wants the notification process to occur when a user has an Inventory Need. Users will fill out the Truck Check Off you created / modified above. We have several ways to notify you when a new need occurs. Agencies with a dedicated Logistic Officer(s) may choose to not receive notifications as the Logistics personnel are awaiting the morning requests and not want to be notified via email/text/app. Other agencies may have a supervisor or office staff performing Logistic duties where notification of needs is critical to being mission ready.
- Click on “Features” and then “System Configuration“.
- Click on the “Inventory / WO” tab.
- Click on “Work Order / Truck Check Config“.
- Ensure “Enable Inventory Based Work Orders” is “Enabled“.
- Decide if the Truck Check Off will either “Automatically Create Work Order” or give the user the option by selecting “Prompt User To Create Work Order“. Prompting the user will give the staff more control on if work orders should be created but staff may neglect to create the work order.
- Lastly, select up to three Logistics Positions. This will determine who should be notified and assigned to the work order. For example, you have a Logistics Officer Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. On the weekend and after hours the Supervisor would handle any work order requests. We can configure iOps360 to notify the person working on the Logistics Unit if they are working when a new work order is created. If it is after hours or the Logistics person is off today, the Supervisor will be notified.
- Select The “Primary Logistics Position” will be the Full time logistics officers or the Supervisor unit that will handle most logistics/Inventory Work Order requests. If no one is currently staffed on the Primary Logistics Position when a new Inventory Work Order is created, then the “Secondary Logistics Position” will be assigned/notified that the work order has been created. And tertiary will follow the same rules as above. In our example above, you would select a unit called “Logistics” for the primary with the option to “Notify Primary” if the user working in the Primary Logistics Position should receive an email/text/app notification when a new work order is created. Image the Secondary and Tertiary are backups if the Primary is off that day or it is after hours.
- Note: iOps360 has a built in “Grace Period” of 2 hours to decide the if the “Primary Logistics Position” is staffed. If your logistics officer starts at 8 am and a user fills out an Inventory/Truck Check Work Order at 6 am, iOps360 will consider the Primary as “working” and not utilize the “Secondary”.
- Select which of the Logistics Positions should be notified. You may want to Not notify the Primary Logistics Position since they could be inundated with notifications for larger agencies.
Filling Out A Truck Check Off (User)
When users are filling out a Truck Check Off with Inventory Based questions, a special question type will allow them to Add and Modify the current stock of an item.
- Click on “Features” and then “Truck Check Off“.
- Select the Truck Check Off Form and click “Fill Out“.
- On the Inventory based questions, you will see the Question title and one spot for each of the Recommended Quantity. If the Recommended Quantity is wrong, this can be adjusted by editing the question in the Truck Check Off editor.
- If an item is present on the unit but not shown on the Truck Check Off, click the “Add” button. Fill out the expiration date of the current item or click “Non-Expiring” for items with out an expiration date.
- If an item is no longer present, click the “Change” button. Enter the reason for the change (ie Expired, Missing, etc) and if you already have a replacement item on hand. If you do not have a replacement item on hand, a work order will be created.
- Once all fields have been completed, click “Complete Truck Check“.
- Users may be prompted to create a Work Order or the Work Order may be created automatically, depending on what you selected in the System Config options above.
Logistics Officers
Depending on your notification settings in the System Config, you may receive an email/text/app notification when a new Inventory Work Order has been created. If you choose not to be notified, you can select the “Auto Search” feature to continually search for new Work Orders.
- Click on “Features” and then “Work Orders“.
- Click the “Auto Search” to continually search for new Work Orders or periodically refresh the page.
- Click on the Work Order to view the details and fulfill the work order.
- To fulfill an Inventory Work Order, first click on “Set In Progress” to update the status of the work order. This will prevent other logistic officers from starting to fulfill the work order and users will be able to see the current status of the Work Order.
- Click on the “Items” tab if you are not already on the tab.
- Each item requested with be shown. The user has requested 4 Epi 1:1’s. There are a total of 123 available in the inventory currently. Use the drop down to select the Location (with Row, Shelf and Bin) and Expiration date that you wish to distribute from. Use the + icon to add and the – icon to subtract items from the inventory and fulfill the Work Order. The larger + icon (Far Right) will fulfill the entire quantity the user requested.
- Once all items are fulfilled that can be fulfilled, click the “Complete Work Order” button in the top right. Users will be notified that their Work Order has been fulfilled and the work order will be closed.