Once you have your Equipment Types and Attributes configured, we can create the Equipment you want to track.

View All Equipment

  1. Click on “Features” -> “Equipment”
  2. You will see a listing of all equipment in your service
  3. Equipment is automatically grouped by Equipment Type to keep the list more manageable.  You can expand this list by clicking on an Equipment Type in the table or the filter “Group Items” and select “Un-Group” items
  4. Use the various filters to locate any equipment in your service

Create Equipment

  1. Click on “Features” -> “Equipment”
  2. You will see a listing of all equipment in your service
  3. Click on “Create New Equipment”
  4. Enter a name for the Equipment. Ie “Glucometer #1”.  The Equipment Name field will show on the search pages so choose an equipment name that will give you the information needed to locate it later.
  5. Select the “Equipment Type” from the list
  6. If the Equipment Type has not been created, you can click the plus icon to create a new Equipment Type from here
  7. Click “Create Equipment”
  8. Now the Equipment has been created, we can add additional details
  9. The custom attributes that are enabled for this Equipment Type will be shown
  10. You can assign the Equipment to a specific Base/Station, Unit, Truck, or User.  You do not have to select an assignment for the equipment.  However, this is recommended so that you know where the equipment is at any time.  If user’s are issued radios, helmets, boots etc, then this will keep track of all equipment assigned to the user.
  11. Once all changes are complete, click “Update Equipment”

Equipment Documents

The documents section allows you to save manuals, purchase records, warranties, or any other documents with this equipment.

Use the “Upload New Document” button to upload any document and click “Done Adding Files? Click Here To Return To Equipment” when done.


Now we can add “Inspections” to your equipment.  Click the link below

Creating Equipment Inspections

Equipment Tracking – Creating Equipment
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