The Inventory consists of several pieces working together:

  • Categories:  Allows you to group your inventory items.  ie “Cardiac”, “Oxygen”, etc
  • Locations: Each physical location / area that stores inventory items.
  • Manufacturers: A specific brand of an item.  (Optional)
  • Suppliers: 1 or more suppliers that can provide the item
  • Items: i.e. Adult Non-Rebreather Mask


First, let’s configure a few items:

Note:  Ensure your profile has either “Sysop” or “Inventory Admin” permission to configure the Inventory Setup.


Inventory Categories:

Inventory categories help you organize your inventory (ie “IV Supplies”,”Monitor/Cardiac”, “Oxygen”).

  1. Click “Features” -> “System Configuration“.
  2. Click “Inventory Categories”.
  3. Create several categories to help you organize your inventory.


Inventory Locations:

Inventory Locations are separate from the Bases used for scheduling.  You can create as many Inventory Locations as you like.  If a station has a Crew supply room and a second storage area, create two locations.

  1. Click “Features” -> “System Configuration“.
  2. Click “Inventory Locations”.
  3. Create each inventory location that stores items.
  4. If a station has multiple areas that store an item, create a separate location for each of these (ie Crew Stock Room and Admin Stock Room).


Inventory Manufacturers: (Optional)

Inventory Manufacturers allow you to group/sort items based on Manufacturer.  Items can often have multiple manufacturers.  Creating each manufacturer is an optional step but allows greater clarity and organization of your inventory.  Inventory Items can have a Primary Manufacturer and multiple Secondary Manufacturers.

  1. Click “Features” -> “System Configuration“.
  2. Click “Inventory Manufacturers”.
  3. Create each inventory manufacturer that is needed.


Inventory Suppliers:

Inventory Suppliers allows you to build orders for each supplier.  The link between your Inventory Items and each Order is the Supplier.  This link contains the cost for this item and also the supplier’s part number for easy ordering.

  1. Click “Features” -> “System Configuration“.
  2. Click “Inventory Supplier”.
  3. Create each inventory supplier that is needed.
  4. Adding the supplier phone number and/or address may make future ordering quicker and simpler.  Be sure to add this information.  This will show during the order process so you don’t have to look up the phone number each time.



Next, Click On Inventory Menu & Creating Your First Item To Create Your First Inventory Item.


All Inventory Help Guides:  Click A Link Below To Explore The Inventory Features

  1. Inventory Setup
  2. Inventory Menu & Creating Your First Item
  3. Inventory Item Details & Editing
  4. Inventory Item Removal
  5. Inventory Check Off / Reconcile
  6. Inventory Orders