Create Schedule

Here you can create Schedules for your organization. Make sure to step through all of the steps that are listed on the left to make sure the schedule is created properly. First, select the Cost Center that you are scheduling for. Then it will ask you Review Assignments to make sure your employees correspond to their units accurately. Next, you will be asked to Create Events that indicate when you need users to work. Then it will allow you to add and necessary leaves and field time off request. It will also allow you to manage shift swaps, add customizations, and then review the schedule.

Publish Schedule

Publishing the schedule is the single most important step in creating a schedule. The schedule may have been created but USERS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THE SCHEDULE UNITL IT IS PUBLISHED. You will need to utilize the green buttons to the right to publish the schedule. Two buttons are present to give you the option to notify users that a schedule has been published. You can utilize the red button to unpublish a schedule. This is useful for editing the schedule.

Rollback Schedule

If you notice massive errors with the schedule, you have the ability to roll the schedule back and clear all events, restore availability, and remove leaves hours to give you a clean slate to create a new schedule.

Edit Schedule Date

The Edit Schedule Date is a valuable feature. It will allow you to edit a schedule on a given date. By clicking on a shift, it will bring you to a page that looks a lot like the Day Summary page.

The notable difference between the Edit Day Schedule and the Day Summary is that in the Edit Day Schedule Page, you have the option to utilize the pencils to edit shifts, personnel, and events during that shift.

Clicking on an Edit Pencil, you will be taken to this window and will have the option to edit that shift. 

For more information on Schedule Editing, click the link below.


Create Shift Bid

If you want to let employees know that there is and open shift available, creating is a wonderful way to find a cover for an open shift.

You will need to select the open shift. The bid will give you the option to select notifying all of the users at the same time and leave it at a first come first serve basis or you can notify users one at a time based off a list until someone accepts the Shift Bid. You will be given control of the timing between notification, the list in which the notifications are sent, and when the bid will close.

You can choose to only open the bid to specific user status’, roles, skills, custom groups, or color codes.

This is a finalized list of user that meet the requirements of the bid and will get a notification of the Shift Bid and be able to respond to it.

Mass Add Leave Hours (i.e. Holiday)

In the event that multiple employees need to have leave hours added, this tool can do that in one go.

Mass Create Events

Quickly Create Events For Multiple Users (i.e. Special Event / Class).

On this page, you can select the users that you want to add to this new event.

Here you will describe what event it is, when is it, how long it is, and a description.

Mass Modify Schedule

Mass Modify The Schedule To Easily Create, Delete, Or Edit Multiple Events

On the left, you are giving a dropdown menu that will give a list of options for you to edit multiple entries on the schedule. These options include:

  • Create Events for 1 or Multiple Users
  • Delete Events for 1 User
  • Create Time Stamps for 1 or Multiple Users
  • Update Events for 1 User
  • Swap Events for 2 Users

As you finish setting up the events, you will be able to preview them on the right hand side of the screen. Once all of the events have been created and loaded into the preview screen, you can click the Complete button and all of those events will be updated or created. This is a very good tool to use if you need to edit the schedule in multiple ways.

Mass Update Leave Balances

Note: This will remove all prior leave history for user and adjust for Calendars Created, Partial Shift Swaps with Leave, and Time Off Requests

Here you can update the leave balances for multiple employees at the same time. You can change the amount of Paid Time Off, Holiday, Other, Sick, and Vacation time each employee has in one go.

Move/Assign Staff to ABC(D) Shift Units

For organizations 24/48 or 24/72 Schedules, our Drag and Drop tool will make assigning employees to their shifts a simple task.

Quickly Assign Users To A Shift & Vehicle by Dragging User From The Right Column Onto The Unit & Shift. These Changes Will Take Effect When The Next Month’s Calendar Is Built

If You Use Automatic Unit Rotations, Users Will Rotate On The Calendar Creation Page When The Next Calendar Is Created

To use this feature simply drag the name of the user from the list on the right to the appropriate time in the schedule and then drop. You can hide the list of assigned users by clicking the checkbox at the top of the list on the right.

Open Shift Details

Provides a simple summary of any open shifts. It provides information such as date, shift, unit, times, and options.

Schedule Analysis

This tool helps management see various details of the schedule. You can view by Cost Center to make it easier on larger organizations. The table allows you to one month at a time. An option to choose when the week starts is also present. You will be able to choose if the week starts on Sunday or on the First day of the month. The Analysis Type dropdown menu is the most important one here. It allows you to pick if the table shows the number of shifts each person has worked, hours scheduled per person, and the number of hours above 40 per week. You can export this table to a PDF, Excel Spreadsheet, Print it, or by Copying and Pasting it.

Time Off Exclusion Dates

Utilizing this tool, you’ll be able to set days where employees cannot request off. Simply click on the Create New Exclusion button, set the date and time, and then click on the Create Time Off Exclusion to create the exclusion.

Schedule Admin Menu Help