Table View

Who is working, when they are working, what role they are working, and if there are any open shifts. This table is an expanded view of the Schedule Overview from the Dashboard. Right click on a Username to view the event options or double click to edit an event.

You can utilize the mini calendar next to the shift indicator to jump to a date in the future or past. The options in the top right hand corner allow you to expand all rows in this table, collapse all rows in this table, and print the table if you prefer a hardcopy.

Detailed View

Here you can change between Cost Centers by utilizing the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the image. 

In the top right corner, you can navigate between shifts and days by utilizing the green arrow buttons.

You can also view Leave Requests and Available Staff in a detailed view. These details include hours, status, category, leave hours, availability, and shifts.

Day Summary