iOps360 Dynamic Form Routing

The iOps360 forms allows you to quickly drag and drop fields to make virtually any form. You can also customize the Work flow approvals to dynamically route a form to various users and user roles. Let’s setup routing for each Shift so that when a form is completed, it will be routed to the Shift Supervisor.

Form Setup

To use dynamic routing, the Form must have a Drop Down field that is auto populated such as the Shift Letters, Active Staff, Pay Periods, Class Types, etc.

  • Click on “Features” -> “Forms” from the Menu Bar
  • Click “Edit Form” next to the form you want to modify
  • Select the “Form Fields” tab at the top to show all form fields
  • Drag a “Select” field from the right into the form
  • Set the Name of the Field and select the Data Source to “Auto Populate Field” to “Shift Letters”
  • Click “Save Form Fields” at the Top or Bottom of the page

Routing / Workflow Setup

Next, we will add all Supervisors as the Level 1 Approvers. Level 0 is the Fill Out portion so no routing can be assigned the Level 0.

  • Click on the “Demographics” tab and locate the “Work Flows and Approvals” section
  • If not already done, add a work flow step for each Shift letter and assign to the Supervisor for that shift.
  • Click on the “Edit” next to each Level 1 (Or Higher) workflow step. Set the field “Condition” to the Form Field you created above “Shift”. Set the “User Value” to the corresponding Shift Letter and Click “Update Workflow Level”.

Permissions and Logistics

Once a form workflow has conditional routing, iOps360 will not allow the user to open/view/print forms when the condition is not met. Meaning that “B” shift will not be allowed to view “A” shift forms. Email notifications will also only be sent when the condition matches.

Users with SysOp access and SuperUser access will be allowed to Edit or View any form regardless of the Conditional Routing

For the example above, there are 3 shift letters (A,B,C). Be sure to have a conditional workflow for each shift so that all forms will be routed to someone and ultimately approved.

Conditional Form Routing
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