1. Availability – Added a button in the Schedule Admin Menu to quickly send a reminder to staff that have not submitted their availability for the upcoming month(s). Filters for the date range and user type are also included
  2. Call Lists – You can now drag to sort the call lists. This could be used to maintain an on-call shift list so that the list can be placed in any order you like. Drag the last column on each users name in the call list to save the order
  3. Discussion Boards – Added access control for each topic based on User Roles and made it easier for users to edit their posts
  4. Inventory Orders – Added attachments/uploads to the Inventory Order page. Useful for storing receiving paperwork / misc items as the order progresses
  5. Quick Books Books Time / T Sheets – We have create a new integration with Quick Books to send the time and attendance data directly to Quick Books from the time stamps page. See Resources -> Integrations or contact any iOps360 team member for assistance with setup
  6. Leave Categories – Added the ability to auto approve specific categories. Useful with Volunteer agencies when some or all time off requests can auto approve and create an open position for other staff to pick up. This is also useful when the notify all users settings is also enabled
  7. Schedule – UnAvailable/Blocked days can now be added by staff. This might indicate a day they are not available for you to move them to or if a users is gone to school for several months. See System Config -> Schedule -> Availablity settings to enable Un-Available/Blocking of days
  8. Schedule – Improved the styles for Open Shifts on the day, week, and month views. Made some changes to the low color mode of the schedules also. Click on the Gears icon in the top right of the Day/Week/Month views
  9. User Profiles – Added tab for Employee Tracking events for the user along with date search range
  10. Vehicle Checks – You can now complete an Equipment Inspection when users fill out a Vehicle Check. Any checkbox question can be used such as Decon Performed. This will trigger the selected inspection(s) to be complied with for the Unit/Vehicle being checked off. See Vehicle Check – Edit Question and add a Check Box question to enable this

App Updates – The app team is nearing completion of the next app version. This will include Schedule Editing and some other minor fixes. Any users not using version 20.1.3 should update when able

iOps360 Updates For December 2022