Training Configuration [Auto Verify]

Configure the base options for the Training Module.

Auto Verify All TrainingTraining must be verified by your training admin/educator. Enable this feature to auto verify all training as soon as a user creates a training record. Default is ‘No’

Training Types [EMS, Fire]

Create and edit the Main Training Types (i.e. Ems, Fire).

Training TypeMain Training Types such as Fire vs EMS
Overflow CategoryOnce a user has met their quota of hours, the remaining hours will overflow into this Category

Con-Ed Hours Type [Individual, Local, National, Company, Facilities]

Create and edit the Con-Ed hours types available to Classes and Training features (i.e. National, Regional, OEMS, etc. Hours).

Training Quotas [Minimum Hours Each User Role Needs Over A Time Frame]

Create and edit the Number Of Hours each User Role needs in each Con-Ed hours Type.

Training Topics [Orientation, Overhaul, Safety]

Create and edit the Topics And Objectives available to users
