Thanks again for all the great ideas we receive each month. Here are some of the big changes we have made since last month to customize iOps360 to your needs:

  1. Non-Emergency Transport Modulehttps://iops360.comproducts/scheduling/non-emergency-transport-scheduling/ The non-emergency transport module is now live. You can enable the module in System Config – Modules and check out the drag and drop scheduler. We have received some great feedback and pass any suggestions back to us so we can fine tune it to your needs.
  2. Active911 – You can now filter which alerts will show on the status boards. Your Active911 configuration may send alerts to specific page groups. If so, you can filter which page groups will trigger an alert on the status board in the System Config -> Email/Paging -> Active911 setup.
  3. Status Board Quick Config – Added a new feature so that Supervisors and above can quickly change the status board content such as the scroller message, right side messages, day of the week notes, road closures and more. This can be enabled in System Config -> General -> Status Board -> Status Board Global Options. This will show a gear icon in the Operations menu bar so content can be changed but not modify the zones/slides.
  4. Forms – Can now be marked as In-Active to prevent crews from filling out for the form. Useful if the form is only needed during specific times and helps simplify the forms available for crews.
  5. Mass Edit Users – In the User’s search page, we have added a Mass Edit Users feature. You can select from many different field types such as User Birthdays, Status, Color Code, Custom Fields and more. You can make any changes and update all users in a batch. As always, we are still available to help with big changes and importing data from 3rd party software. Since pay rates can be modified with this tool, Sysop Permission is required.
  6. Equipment Status Notifications – Notifications when a piece of equipment changes to Yellow or Red will be sent out at 7am local time rather than midnight
  7. Schedule Views – Inactive users will show on the Day/Week/Month views with a strike through on their name instead of Other User/In-active user as before
  8. PayChex Integration – We are finalizing a new connector with PayChex for payroll. This will automatically send all your time card data / payroll information directly into their system and simplify payroll to a click of a mouse.

We appreciate all that you do to keep our communities safe. Keep up the great work and we will keep new features coming on this side!

October 2021 Updates
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