You can fine tune the limits of how many hours can be staffed with the Maximum Hours feature. This allows you to specify the number of hours a user can be scheduled before a Warning or Error is generated.


Users are designated as PRN/Volunteer, Part Time, or Full Time in iOps360. Salaried personnel are considered Full Time for this system. You can designate the maximum number of hours for each user type by Week, Pay Period, Month, or Yearly. If the user is schedule more than the limit, a warning or error will be generated. A Warning will allow the schedule editor to proceed with the schedule change while an Error will prevent the user from continuing. Users with “SysOp” access can override an Error and continue with the schedule change.

Additionally, users can have a custom maximum hours setting based on their Hire Date or Annually. This setting is set for each user specifically in their user profile.

You can also define rest periods which are the minimum number of hours a user must be off shift before returning to work. See Rest Periods for additional details.

Configuration / Setup

To configure the hour limits for each staff type, click on “System Config” -> “Scheduling” tab -> “Maximum Hours Users Can Be Assigned”.

NOTE: Enter the maximum allowed value in the setup. If the user’s hours are MORE than this number, a Warning or Error will be generated.

Assigning Users

iOps360 will check for the maximum hours for each user, along with the Rest Periods and Max Hours YTD Annually. When a Warning or Error is generated, the messages will be shown. If an Error has been generated, the message will be shown in Red and Warnings will appear in Orange. Only users with “SysOp” access can proceed when an Error is generated.

Features That Check For Warnings and Errors

The following areas will check for any Warnings and Error Messages:

  • Availability – Drag and Drop
  • Availability – Manually Assign
  • Open Shift Request – Admin Approval
  • Schedule Editing – Popup editor
  • Shift Swap – Admin Approval
Maximum Hours Rules
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